Christmas Closure: The museum will be closed from Sunday 15th December 2024 and re-open on Tuesday 21th January 2025.

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The History of West House and its occupants


An account of the construction of a Georgian mansion house set in a small rural estate but built for an industrial magnate, the owner of the old mill. This close relationship between the house and mill lasted from 1752 until 1884 when both mill and house were old to separate purchasers. Subsequently the house became the Victoria College, a methodist boarding school, the administrative centre of the National Old Age Pension Society, a reception centre for Belgian refugees, and a children’s home for boys.

Author:  Lyndon Murgatroyd

Booklet size:  A5

The History of West House and its occupants


An account of the construction of a Georgian mansion house set in a small rural estate but built for an industrial magnate which eventually became a boys’ home.

SKU: 659 Category: