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The Chemists of West Street (1850-1915)


Druggists, later known as chemists, have been  a constant feature of many a town’s high streets. Congleton was no exception. The author takes a street by street examination of the various chemists which operated in the town during the 19th and 20th centuries. This booklet deals with those chemists businesses located in the West Street area of the town and includes the careers of John Hadfield 1827-1886, John Henshall 1832-1867, Henry Barlow 1830-1904, George Robert Barlow 1860-1934 and David Chadwick Hill.

Author: Ray Rowe

Booklet size: A5

The Chemists of West Street (1850-1915)


West Street in Congleton links Swan Bank at its west end to West Road at its east end.  Perusal of the trade directories reveals that only five chemists and druggists occupied premises in West Street during the years 1850-1915.

SKU: 612 Category: