Looking for oral histories and photographs of the Green Island area: In celebration of the Green Island Fiesta!
Can you help support Congleton Museum by donating oral histories and photographs of Green Island?
Read the storyChristmas Closure: The museum will be closed from Sunday 15th December 2024 and re-open on Tuesday 21th January 2025.
The museum’s blog features articles written by various authors to give our online visitors a more personal view into what goes on ‘behind the scenes’.
Can you help support Congleton Museum by donating oral histories and photographs of Green Island?
Read the storyHidden within the museum's archives is the story of Mary Sproston, a tale that tells the interesting life of a talented individual and the unconditional love of a father during the early twentieth century.
Read the storyThe moment you've all been waiting for, our museum calendar is back!
Read the storyA gold leotard, and how the museum is helping to tell the stories of Congleton's LGBT+ community
Read the storyRoman coins, one of the treasures of Congleton Museum...
Read the storyThe day the Romans invaded...
Read the story